Friday, September 25, 2009

Update Sept. 25, 2009 Pro Or Con "Weight Loss - Negative Calorie Weight Loss" By Health Experts

The negative calorie weight loss program is referred to a small group of foods which contain so little energy that the body uses more energy to digest and absorb the nutrients. By using those foods recommended in the program, there would be a net loss of calories from the body triggering weight loss.

Recommended Program
Fat Loss Nutrition System
Eating The Right Foods At The Right Times
To Have All-Day Energy, Enhance Your Health
and Build The Hot Beach Body.

Negative Calorie Food and Diet, Are They For Real?
By Jonathan Soh

We all know that every food we eat contain calorie. BUT some of the foods are 'Negative Calorie,' that are supposed to burn up more calories in the process of digesting them than are actually contained in the foods themselves. These 'negative calorie' food basically are food with HIGH Fiber-content which require more energy to digest. In other words, the body has to work harder in order to extract calories from these foods. This gives these foods a tremendous natural fat-burning advantage.

These foods are very efficient in quick weight loss. Some of the negative calorie diet claim to loss 1-2 lbs EACH DAY! However in the long term eating only high fiber-content food is not nutritionally balanced.

Like most quick weight loss diets,the reality of "negative calorie diets" is that they are nearly impossible to follow for any significant period of time. Who else want to eat almost tasteless fruits and vegetables all day long? I bet you more than 90% of people who try it will give up after a day or two and probably end up overeating for the next couple of weeks!

If you need to lose some pounds in the short term, following negative calorie diets + exercise is the way to go. For long term, I wouldn't suggest you to follow 100% Negative Calorie Food.

Below are some example of the Negative Calorie Food list that you might be interested.

o Apples
o Apricots
o Blackberries
o Cantaloupes
o Cranberries
o Grapefruit
o Guava
o Lemons
o Mangoes
o Oranges
o Papayas
o Peaches
o Pineapples
o Plums
o Prunes
o Raspberries
o Strawberries
o Tangerines
o Tomatoes
o Watermelon

o Asparagus
o Beets
o Broccoli
o Cabbage
o Carrots
o Cauliflower
o Celery
o Chicory
o Chili peppers
o Cress
o Cucumbers
o Dandelion
o Endive
o Fennel
o Garlic
o Green beans
o Lettuce
o Onions
o Radishes
o Spinach
o Turnip
o Zucchini

Jonathan Soh

Article Source:

Recommended Program
Fat Loss Nutrition System
Eating The Right Foods At The Right Times
To Have All-Day Energy, Enhance Your Health
and Build The Hot Beach Body.

Negative Calorie Foods For Weight Loss - Free Negative Calorie Food List - 32 Tasty Foods Included
By Jennifer Jolan Platinum Quality Author

The idea is simple. Negative calorie foods burn more calories digesting them than the total calories in them. So you have a net caloric deficit... hence the name negative calorie foods. To put it simply, these foods won't release their calories while being digested.

One thing... before you go "gung-ho" on a negative calorie diet, you need to know something very important or else you will screw up everything.

That one thing... you would malnourish yourself if the only foods you ate were negative calorie foods. Don't use these foods as a basis for a diet. Use these negative calorie foods only within a more balanced diet.

Here's the negative calorie food list in alphabetical order:

  • asparagus
  • apples
  • beets
  • broccoli
  • blueberries
  • cabbage
  • cantaloupe
  • cranberries
  • celery
  • chicory
  • grapefruit
  • garden cress
  • garlic
  • green beans
  • honeydew
  • lemon
  • lime
  • lettuce
  • oranges
  • onions
  • papaya
  • peaches
  • pineapples
  • radish
  • raspberries
  • strawberries
  • spinach
  • tangerines
  • tomatoes
  • turnips
  • watermelon
  • zucchini

As you can see, that's quite the negative calorie food list. A great way to incorporate these into your life is to start by eating them as snacks. After awhile, you'll get use to them becoming a more major part of your diet.

Then you can begin to add them as side dishes for your meals. Yeah, I know it basically looks like a list of fruits and vegetables... and yes, we all know those are healthy for you. But come on, that list is sitting there right smack in front of your face. It's not hard to lose weight. Just give yourself a chance. Try these foods out and see for yourself what kind of weight loss results you can get.

At the bare minimum, the foods on the list above are packed with vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. If for nothing else, eat them because of that. So there you have it... a list of 32 negative calorie foods you can eat to drop the pounds and inches. So what are you waiting for?

Jennifer Jolan is a popular weight loss consultant and author of the best selling "Ultimate Diet Guide" ebook. She has helped over 3,700 women with her intensive 1 on 1 email coaching.

If you're sick and tired of getting the same old boring and tired weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, exercise more, and blah blah blah"... then you found the right person. I'll make weight loss easy and enjoyable for you... AND NOT BORING!

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A Negative Calorie Food List
By Terje Ellingsen Platinum Quality Author

To make a negative calorie food list, we must be precisely clear on what we mean. There has been some confusion about this phrase. Some have thought that this kind of food contains no calories at all. This can't be right as long as all kinds of food contains at least some energy.

We're going to present you with a list of this kind of food. If you follow it, not necessarly without any other kinds of food, it will increase metabolism naturally, and the result will be weight loss - especially compared with eating a meal where these foods are not included.

Now, it's time for a definition. When we say nagative calorie food, we mean foods which contain so little energy that the body actually uses more energy to digest and absorb the nutrients. So if you subtract calories you'll burn from the calories you eat, the result will be negative. Only by digesting the food you have eaten, there will be a net loss of energy or a negative energy balance. This is what must happen if you want to lose weight but with this food you don't have to do anything but eat it to accomplish that.

You can also eat protein in combination with such food. Good protein will help you control your appetite as well as increase your metabolism because the total amount of calories are not reduced too much.

Here is the list:


Fennel, aubergine, gourd, broccoli, leek, cabbage, lettuce, carrots, marrow, cauliflower, peppers, celery, radish, chicory, spinach, cress, tomato, cucumber, turnip.


Apricot, mandarin orange, blackberry, melon canteloupe, blackcurrant, peaches, clementines, plums, damsons, raspberry, grapefruit. rhubarb, guava, strawberry, honeydew melon, tangerine, lemon, watermelon.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Update Sept. 11, 2009 Pro Or Con "Weight Loss - Negative Calorie Weight Loss" By Health Experts

The negative calorie weight loss program is referred to a small group of foods which contain so little energy that the body uses more energy to digest and absorb the nutrients. By using those foods recommended in the program, there would be a net loss of calories from the body triggering weight loss.

Recommended Program
Fat Loss Nutrition System
Eating The Right Foods At The Right Times
To Have All-Day Energy, Enhance Your Health
and Build The Hot Beach Body.

Negative Calorie Foods & Weight Loss

By P. Mehta Platinum Quality Author

You gain weight when your calorie intake is more than your
calorie expenditure. But if this calorie equation is reversed,
then it results in "negative calorie" balance in your body. In
this negative calorie case, you expand more calories than you
take in, resulting in a decrease in the stored calories in the form
of body fat, and you experience a weight loss. About 10% of
daily caloric intake is used to process foods in the body. You can
expand more by doing physical activities.

There are certain foods that show negative calorie effect because
the body has to expand more energy to extract calories from these
foods. The negative calorie foods need more calories to break down
the foods and digest than the calories the foods actually contain.
The extra calories are taken up from the stored fat in the body. Thus
the negative calorie foods (may also be called as minus calorie foods
or fat burning foods) are ideal for reducing the body fat and for
losing weight.

Let us take an example. A piece of dessert consisting of 300 calories
may require only 150 calories to be digested by our body, resulting in
a net gain of 150 calories which is added to our body fat! So if you eat
100 calories of a food that requires 150 calories to digest, then you have
burnt an additional 50 calories simply by eating that food. These 50
calories are used up from the stored fat in your body!

These foods are widely available in nature. Some of the foods from the
list of negative calorie foods (about 100 in number) are: asparagus, broccoli,
beets, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, carrot, garlic, papaya,
spinach, turnip, zucchini, apples, oranges, lettuce, grapefruit, pineapples,
strawberries, and raspberries.

It is a great idea to eat these negative calorie food items to your full
satisfaction without counting calories. Include these foods in your daily
diet and plan your diet according to food pyramid. You will be amazed to see
the fast weight loss results. You can follow negative calorie diet plan for
safe and permanent weight loss.

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electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety
including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Copyright 2004 P. Mehta,


This article has been written by

For more information on negative calorie foods visit the web site
Negative calorie Foods.

Recommended Program
Fat Loss Nutrition System
Eating The Right Foods At The Right Times
To Have All-Day Energy, Enhance Your Health
and Build The Hot Beach Body.

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