Friday, July 31, 2009

Pro or Con "Negative Calorie Weight Loss" Program By Health Experts

Monday, July 31, 2009
The negative calorie weight loss program is referred to a small group of foods which contain so little energy that the body uses more energy to digest and absorb the nutrients. By using those foods recommended in the program, there would be a net loss of calories from the body triggering weight loss.

Recommended Program
Fat Loss Nutrition System
Eating The Right Foods At The Right Times
To Have All-Day Energy, Enhance Your Health
and Build The Hot Beach Body.

Negative Calorie Diet Review - Does it Work and Help Weight Loss? Find Out in This Review
By Alex McKenzie Platinum Quality Author

Have you heard about the negative calorie diet?

It is a diet that basically has you eating foods which burn more calories through their digestion than they put into your body. Effectively neutralizing their own calories and providing weight loss at the same time. The question is though, does it work? In this negative calorie diet review I hope to answer this question, as well as provide some insights into how the diet works and another diet option you can try as well.

So How does the Negative Calorie Diet work?

You may have heard of the apple diet as well, this is a direct spin off of this diet. As essentially apples are one of the foods allowed on the negative calorie diet, this is in addition to many other fruits and vegetables which are high in fiber content and contain virtually nothing else but water and vitamins. Essentially by only consuming these foods which includes leafy green vegetables like spinach, as well as carrots and many other vegetables you will continually lose weight because you are not consuming many calories and your body has to burn many more calories than you are consuming on a daily basis. So this sounds like the perfect diet, lose more than you put in, right? Wrong!

It Sounds Like a Perfect Plan, What's Wrong with this Diet?

Essentially the biggest flaw of the diet is that it eliminates necessary forms of calories to maintain proper health, specifically protein and beneficial fats. Over time this diet could cause severe health problems for anyone, as protein that is not consumed on a daily basis allows the body to start eating away at muscle and connective tissue to obtain the nutrition it needs. If there was a balance and protein and essential fatty acids were allowed then this diet would have some potential, as it is now however the negative calorie diet just has too many negatives!

Are there any Functional Diets that can Help me Lose Weight?

Absolutely, have you not heard of calorie shifting? If not this is the ideal place for any dieter to start at since it has one similarity with the negative calorie diet, that is you are eating to lose weight. Essentially what calorie shifting does is increase your metabolism on a daily basis because of the foods you eat and by the end you are burning fat at all times of the day. It beats out every other diet as well because there is no rebound effect, you keep all the results and actually continue to burn fat even once you stop!

Lose 15 Pounds in Two Weeks by EATING MORE! With Calorie Shifting Click to find out how to do it!

Recommended Program
Fat Loss Nutrition System
Eating The Right Foods At The Right Times
To Have All-Day Energy, Enhance Your Health
and Build The Hot Beach Body.

Why You Should Not Go On A Negative Calorie Diet
By Ivana Colic Platinum Quality Author

In the reality, there is not such a thing as a negative calorie food. All food has some calories but some things such as water are considered negative calorie diet. I kind of have to ask a question here: do you really want to go to a diet that is going to make you feel miserable? Besides, the negative calorie foods are most attractive to anorexics. Do you really want to go down that road?

Here are the few reasons you should not go on a negative calorie diet:

First it is going to make you feel terrible and miserable. This will not make you stay on the diet a very long time. But the worst thing is your personal health. You may experience headaches as well. (that is why it is so important to contact your Dr. before starting any new diets.) Some other symptoms are tiredness, depression and irritability.

Second, you may lose some weight but in the long run, you will gain it back. Hunger slows down your metabolism causing you to gain weight when you go back to your regular eating schedule.

Third, the weight you do lose, may be coming out of your muscle and not fat. This can lead to back problems and all other kind of issues.

Having said this, some people use negative calorie diet as a temporary short-term detox. If you are healthy and your Dr. says you can do it, that is the only time you should do it.

In reality the weight loss is very simple, but most people just need a guide or a plan before they start seeing results.

The 3 simple rules to weight loss are:

  1. Eat the smaller portions of the meal more frequently
  2. Eat the healthy food and get rid of junk and sweets
  3. Exercise because exercise helps you burn more calories, it increases your metabolism and it tones your body!

So the main reason why you should not go on a negative calorie diet, is that I feel it is unhealthy. In the long run, the diet that is good for you is the diet that is good for your body. Your health is what is the most important thing.

If a person wants to lose weight, they want to eat the food they like, they don't want to feel hungry, and they want to lose fat and not a muscle weight. Calorie Shifting Diet combined with exercise may be just the right solution.

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Recommended Program
Fat Loss Nutrition System
Eating The Right Foods At The Right Times
To Have All-Day Energy, Enhance Your Health
and Build The Hot Beach Body.

Negative Calorie Diet - Staying Motivated
By Kelly Anderson

Weight loss is really not that difficult once you commit to it. However, one of the biggest problem people have is staying motivated. It can take several weeks to lose a significant amount of weight, and if you don't start seeing results immediately, it can be hard to keep going. So here are a few tips to keep you motivated.

1. Photograph Your Progress

At the start of your diet, take photographs of yourself from the front, the back, and the side. Wear tight-fitting clothes, or underwear, so that you can really see the shape of your body. Take a new set of pictures every month, to visualize the progress that you are making.

2. Remind Yourself of Your Goal

Visualizing yourself at your target weight is an excellent way to keep yourself on track. To help you do this, pin a picture of yourself at a lower weight to your fridge, or cut out a picture from a magazine of a model with a similar body shape to the one you'd like to have. When you are tempted to forage in your refrigerator for something to eat, ask yourself if a couple of bites of food are worth delaying your goal.

3. Treat Yourself

Work out a system of rewards to treat yourself with at regular intervals - perhaps every five or ten pounds. Ideas for rewards could be a nice manicure or facial, a day at the movies, or a new book.

Another nice idea is to buy a beautiful outfit in your target size. A smart set of slacks for work, a flirty little dress, or a tailored shirt that will only fit once you reach your goal is a great motivation to stay on track. Since most people would hate to spend the money on nice clothes that they can never wear, that outfit will help you maintain your focus.

4. Spread the Word

Telling your friends or family member what you're doing will solidify your diet plan, turning it from something you "should" do to something that you are actively pursuing. If the people who know about your goals ask you how you're doing, it will provide additional motivation to make real progress.

5. Join a Support Group

No one understands the difficulties and challenges of weight loss better than other people who are going through the same circumstances. This makes other dieters a great source of tips, inspiration, and empathy. You can join an online dieting group, vow to lose weight with friends, or sign up for a popular weight loss program to get the support that could make the difference between success and failure.

Kelly Anderson is a professional weight loss trainer. Visit his website right now at Burn The Fat Review to see the best weight loss course on the planet. Go there now --> Fat Loss For Idiots Review.

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Recommended Program
Fat Loss Nutrition System
Eating The Right Foods At The Right Times
To Have All-Day Energy, Enhance Your Health
and Build The Hot Beach Body.

Weight Loss Through Eating Negative Calorie Foods
By Edward W Johnson

Negative calorie foods are foods, which use more calories to digest than the calories the foods actually contain! Calories from these foods are much harder for the body to breakdown and process. In other words, the body has to work harder in order to extract calories from these foods. This gives these foods a tremendous natural fat-burning advantage.

Negative calorie foods contain sufficient vitamins & minerals to break down the host calories resulting in a surplus of enzyme producing biochemicals. This simply means that once ingested these "negative calories" foods provide for enzyme production in quantities sufficient to break down not only its own host calories, but possibly additional calories present in digestion as well.

A recent study found that a vegetarian diet consisting mostly of fruits and vegetables, was adhered to by research subjects as an experimental study on the reversal of heart disease. As a result, each of the research subjects lost an average of 20 pounds without cutting calories or limiting serving sizes. In light of the fact that these subjects were 40 years and older (with relatively slowed metabolisms) and the research performed involved no prescribed exercise program, this constitutes a dramatic weight loss that could only be attributed to the consumption of various fruits & vegetables.

Let's assume the transport of these "surplus digestive enzymes" into the blood is a given and pick it up from there. The fact is, enzymes are responsible for the acceleration of ALL chemical reactions in the body. The acceleration of chemical reactions in the body then equates to a faster metabolism.

The greater value then, in identifying and ingesting these negative calorie foods is not in their ability to break down other existing calories in digestion at all. The true potential benefits lie in the increased enzymes produced being absorbed through the mucosa in the small intestine thus entering into the bloodstream where they can positively effect the rate of metabolism.

To optimize this metabolic acceleration, these researched & identified negative calories should preferably be ingested in the absence of additional enzyme robbing "empty calories" (junk food). This would insure that an optimum amount of enzymes are produced for absorption into the bloodstream and not wasted during digestive processes on assimilating calories from foods with poor vitamin and nutrient content.

Some foods with these negative calorie characteristics include:

Asparagus, beets, broccoli, cabbage (green), carrots, cauliflower, celery, chicory, chili peppers, cucumbers, endive, garlic, lettuce, onions, papayas, spinach, turnip, zucchini, apples, cranberries, grapefruit, lemons, mangos, oranges, pineapple, raspberries, strawberries and tangerines.

Recommended Program
Fat Loss Nutrition System
Eating The Right Foods At The Right Times
To Have All-Day Energy, Enhance Your Health
and Build The Hot Beach Body.

Negative Calorie Foods FAQs
By P. Mehta Platinum Quality Author

  1. What is negative calorie effect?
    Whatever food we eat, our body has to work hard to digest and absorb. There are certain foods that require more calories to digest than their own calories. The overall effect of these foods in our body is that of using calories from body in the process of digestion.
  2. What are negative calorie foods?
    Negative calorie foods require more calories to digest than their own calories. This results in a negative calorie balance.
  3. Give some examples of such foods.
    There are several foods available in nature with negative calorie properties. Some such foods are asparagus, broccoli, beets, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, carrot, garlic, papaya, spinach, turnip, zucchini, apples, oranges, lettuce, grapefruit, pineapples, strawberries, and raspberries.
  4. What is a diet?
    A diet is a combination of a balanced selection of foods. A good diet is one that includes all major food groups.
  5. Is a diet with negative calorie foods possible?
    A diet with negative calorie foods as main ingredients is infact good for weight loss and to control cholesterol. Such a negative calorie diet should include as much negative calorie foods as possible from the list of negative calorie foods.

Copyright P. Mehta,

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ezines or electronic publication, as long as it is used in its
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For more information on negative calorie foods, negative calorie recipes and diet, visit the web site: Negative Calorie Foods, Negative Calorie Recipes and Diet


Monday, July 27, 2009

Negative Calorie Weight Loss Self Help Program

The negative calorie weight loss program is referred to a small group of foods which contain so little energy that the body uses more energy to digest and absorb the nutrients. By using those foods recommended in the program, there would be a net loss of calories from the body triggering weight loss.

Recommended Program
Fat Loss Nutrition System
Eating The Right Foods At The Right Times
To Have All-Day Energy, Enhance Your Health
and Build The Hot Beach Body.

Negative Calorie Foods - Myths and Facts in Weight Loss

By Dr John Anne Platinum Quality Author

Possibly there are no foods on earth that contain no calories. There are no foods that can be named as negative calorie foods in the sense that they contain calories with negative valence. However, the overall effect that is produced by these foods in our body is that of 'negative calorie'. Actually, the negative calorie foods consume more calories during their digestion process than the amount of calories these foods possess.

The body puts more effort in breaking up and processing these foods compared to other foods in terms of calorie consumption. The body needs to work harder for extracting calories from these foods. This is where the term 'negative calorie' is concerned. Due to this property, the negative calorie foods possess a remarkable fat burning benefit, and are also referred to as fat burning foods.

Negative Calorie Concept

Say, you are having a dessert that consists of 400 calories. It needs roughly 150 calories to digest the dessert. That means, a net gain of 250 calories will be added to our body as a body fat. Following the same norm, say, for example, you are having a specific kind of foods that consist of 100 calories, whereas 150 calories are needed to digest the foods. That means, you have in effect burnt an extra 50 calories from your body simply by adding these foods in your diet.

The example of negative calorie foods may include the name of broccoli. If you eat 100 gm of broccoli, it provides you 25 calories. However, you need 80 calories to digest 100 gm of broccoli that means you are burning (80-25) = 55 calories from your body fat. Hence, we can easily understand that negative calories foods can be a great addition to weight loss diet program.

Negative Calorie and Weight Loss

In practice, there are a great variety of negative calorie foods available in the market. These foods come with a commitment that if you eat more of these foods, you are able to lose more weight in turn. The specialties of these foods are to offer low calories, and brilliant negative calorie qualities in addition to yummy flavor. Hence, to fight against obesity, you need not depend on fasting any longer. Rather you may eat as much as you can to reduce your weight. Some of these foods may include the names of chili, cucumber, carrot, cauliflower, apple, cabbage, broccoli, asparagus, papaya, pineapple, lemon, beet, grapefruit, zucchini, celery, spinach and many more. In reality, there are more 100 foods that belong to this category.

Possible Side Effects

Considering theoretical aspect, it can be said that if you stick yourself on negative calorie diet only, it may create health hazards in long term. It is mainly due to the reason that these foods are unable to provide certain nutrients inevitably needed by our body. These foods offer plenty of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, but profoundly lack few significant nutrients like fat and protein. Although we need to stay away from fatty foods, but a minimum level of fat consumption is actually needed by our health system. Same thing is true for protein substances. Without the presence of these two substances, many of the bodily functions may not work properly.

However, there are few individuals who prefer to eat fish especially when they are on their negative calorie diet. It is a good decision indeed. Adding fish in your diet along with negative calorie foods may help you to stay healthy even in long term. It offers low calorie consumption in addition to the supply of essential nutrients to the body.

Another important thing is, the individual who is on his negative calorie diet must know his limitation. If we stay aligned with theory, it implies that these types of foods burn calories. Thereby, if the individual continues this diet for a prolonged period of time, it may result in dangerous health hazards including excessively underweight and mortality.

Dr John Anne is an herbal specialist with years of experience and extensive research on herbs and alternative health. Visit Grape Seed Extract Benefits at - Information on Vitamins, Minerals and Amino Acids. Also visit Vitamin K Benefits and Deficiency for useful Information on Vitamins.

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Recommended Program
Fat Loss Nutrition System
Eating The Right Foods At The Right Times
To Have All-Day Energy, Enhance Your Health
and Build The Hot Beach Body.

7-Day Weight Loss Guide: Negative Calorie Foods?
By Craig Ballantyne Platinum Quality Author

Every week I am going to give you a day-by-day plan to the week ahead, to help take the confusion out (ie. discussing topics like the negative calorie diet) and put the success back in your fat loss plan.

So print this out, put it on your fridge, and let it guide you to your fat loss goals, while keeping your workouts fun and motivating.

If you're a M-F, 9-5'er, you know that Sunday should be your day to hit the grocery store and get fresh meat and produce to prepare your meals for the next week.

I'm a big fan of picking up some fresh salmon fillets and asparagus for Sunday dinner. Chicken breasts are cooked "en masse" for freezing and then used over the week as easy lunchtime protein sources. Fruits and vegetables are washed and prepared for cooking or snacking, and almonds and walnuts are packed into travel bags for when I'm on the go.

Prepare and succeed. It's that easy.

But what about negative calorie foods? Are there foods we can eat that burn more calories than they contain?

No. That's ridiculous.

While these "negative calorie foods" are healthy, and help fill you up, they still contain calories.

Now here we go with our day-by-day guide...


After your strength program, try a different exercise machine (or bodyweight exercises) for your interval training workout.


30 minutes of activity. Take some additional time to review your nutrition, reviewing your food intake. Check the number of calories you are consuming. Are you eating too much? Too little? Not enough protein?


In addition to your workout, take some time and review your short-term and long-term training goals. Have you met your short-term goals? Are you getting closer to your long-term goals? If you aren't, determine the obstacles in the way of your success and make a plan to work around them.


30 minutes of activity. If you are using a cardio machine, or even running, make sure that you are using proper technique and posture. Have a fitness professional monitor your technique and your breathing. This will ensure that you get the greatest benefits from your efforts.


Your last strength and interval workout of the week...have fun. Add some biceps curls or something you really like. You've earned it.

Also, make a goal to reduce the amount of diet soda you drink and replace it with Green Tea. Even though diet soda is calorie-free, it contains a lot of chemicals and doesn't contain the helpful nutrients found in Green Tea.


30 minutes of activity. Make it fun! And check in with a member of your social support group - perhaps go out for a healthy lunch and a long walk while discussing your progress and sources of motivation.


Another 30 minutes of activity. Plan, shop, and prepare. Reduce the amount of diet soda and other junk on your list, and replace it with Green Tea and green vegetables.

Another week and another pound or two of fat should be hitting the road.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit

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Recommended Program
Fat Loss Nutrition System
Eating The Right Foods At The Right Times
To Have All-Day Energy, Enhance Your Health
and Build The Hot Beach Body.

The Theory of Negative Calorie Foods
By P. Mehta Platinum Quality Author

According to science, calorie or kilojoule is a unit of energy. The calorie of a food indicates the measure of its energy content. The food energy is expressed in kilojoules or calories.

All foods have some calorie content. Even the foods that have "negative calories" must also have some calories. Then why these foods are termed as "negative calorie foods"? To understand this, we should take into account three things: the calorie content of the food, the energy required to digest that food and the net result of consuming that food.

Let us consider three possibilities:

(i) If we eat a food whose calorie content is more than the calorie needed to digest that food, our body gains in weight. Such foods are not the negative calorie foods. Fast foods are the examples of such foods.

(ii) If we eat a food which needs same number of calories as the calorie content of the food, then our body does not gain in weigh, as these foods do not add any calories to the body. Such foods may be termed as "zero calorie foods". Watermelon is an example of such food.

(iii) If we eat a food for which the calorie needed to digest that food is more than the calorie content of the food itself, then the calorie balance becomes negative. The additional calories needed in this process must come from the body.

The digestion of such negative calorie foods exhausts our body calories. These foods, though possess some calories, yet they are known as "negative calorie foods" because of this negative calorie balance in the process. According to the theory of negative calorie food, our body will burn more calories digesting it than the number of calories it can add to our body.

The Examples of Negative Calorie Foods

The negative calorie foods are mostly vegetables and fruits, which are low in fat and high in carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. Some of these foods are celery, broccoli, asparagus, spinach, melons, berries, etc.

You should eat these foods as raw as far as possible, without adding any butter or oil that will quickly make them fattening.

Negative Calorie Foods in Weight Loss

Following arguments are in favor of negative calorie foods and weight loss.

  1. As the negative calorie foods possess only a small amount of fat or no fat at all, they will not increase the body weight.
  2. The dietary fibers present in these foods will make you feel full for a longer time. So if you include these so called negative calorie foods in any diet, then you will not feel hungry.
  3. The carbohydrates in the foods need considerable number of calories in the process of digestion process. So these foods will add only a few calories to your body weight and will not increase the weight.
  4. Further, a cold low calorie food may become a negative calorie food, because the food needs to be warmed to body temperature, which involves energy expenditure.
  5. It is believed that certain negative calorie vegetables and fruits speed up metabolism, which is good for burning of calories and thus in weight loss.
  6. The negative calorie foods, because of their high water content, will decrease your appetite and make you feel full.

It is therefore beneficial to include these negative calorie foods in your diet along with some exercise to achieve weight loss.

Copyright 2006, P. Mehta,

[You can publish this article in your web sites, ezines or
electronic publication, as long as it is used in its entirety
including the resource box, all HTML hyperlinks (clickable) and copyright information.]

Negative Calorie Weight Loss Self Help Program

The negative calorie weight loss program is referred to a small group of foods which contain so little energy that the body uses more energy to digest and absorb the nutrients. By using those foods recommended in the program, there would be a net loss of calories from the body triggering weight loss.

Recommended Program
Fat Loss Nutrition System
Eating The Right Foods At The Right Times
To Have All-Day Energy, Enhance Your Health
and Build The Hot Beach Body.

Negative Calorie Foods for Weight Loss Diet

By P. Mehta Platinum Quality Author

All foods have some calorie content. Then how a food can possess negative calorie? The negative calorie foods need more calories to digest than the number of calories they give to the body. We can understand this by the following example.

Let us suppose a food has x calories. If it requires y calories to digest, then the number of calories this food gives to the body =x-y. We consider three situations depending on the values of x and y.

(a) If x is more than y, the body gains in weight. This is the situation in which the number of calories of the food is more than the number of calories needed to digest that food. Fatty foods are the examples of such foods. The fat very easily goes to the waistline.

(b) The foods with x=y require the same amount of calories to digest as their own calorie content. Such foods do not add any calories to the body and may be called as zero calorie foods. Watermelon is an example of zero calorie food.

(c) If for some foods, y is more than x, then the result of this calorie equation becomes negative. In nature there are certain foods possessing this negative calorie property that take extra calories from the body fat to get ingested. Because these foods take additional calories from the body fat, they are known as negative calorie foods.

The question arises, do such foods are really available in nature? There are some studies in support of negative calorie foods. Celery is known to require more calories for digestion than the calorie content of itself, so it is a negative calorie food. These foods are natural plant foods like vegetables, fruits and beans.

Vegetables and fruits like asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, celery, cucumber, carrot, spinach, turnip, zucchini, apples, oranges, lettuce, grapefruit and strawberries are some of the examples of negative calorie foods. One thing is common in these foods. All of these foods are low in fat and calories and high in carbohydrates. Absence of fat ensures that these foods if included in your diet, will not increase your weight. Breaking of carbohydrates in the digestion process will consume considerable number of calories.

Looking to the negative calorie property of these foods, it can be thought that
if these foods are included in diet, they can be of immense value for weight loss.
A healthy weight loss diet plan should therefore include vegetables, fruits, whole-grains and beans. If you include as much negative calorie foods as possible in the your diet, then there is no need to count calories. The weight loss diet based on negative calorie foods can give you the carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and dietary fibers necessary to keep you fit. You will see amazing weight loss results if you routinely add negative calorie foods to your diet.

[Please note that this article is not a subsitute for medical advise. You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (clickable) and references and copyright info. You are not permitted to include any additional hyperlinks.]

Copyright 2006,

For more information on negative calorie foods, negative calorie recipes and diets with negative calorie foods, visit the web site: Negative calorie foods weight loss diet

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Recommended Program
Fat Loss Nutrition System
Eating The Right Foods At The Right Times
To Have All-Day Energy, Enhance Your Health
and Build The Hot Beach Body.

The Negative Calorie Diet - A Positive Change in the Way We Could Lose Weight
By Sturat Mitchel

Isn't the proclamation, "The more you eat, the more you lose weight" seems too good to be true?
Well, for most, all those that are true are really too good to be a lie.

The Negative Calorie Diet is based on the theory that certain foods that are considered as having "negative calories". No, these are not foods that contain absolutely no calories at all since there is no such thing (and only water has zero calories). Foods that have "negative calories" are those that require more calories to be digested by the body than the number of calories they actually contain.

Here's how the idea will be demonstrated: Food X has 50 calories. If a person will eat Food X, he/she will be putting in 50 calories in his/her body. Now, after eating Food X which has 50 calories, the body will digest Food X by using 100 calories to completely breakdown Food X into the body's system.

For a more specific explanation: If you will eat 100 grams of broccoli that has a total of 25 calories and the body will be using 80 calories to digest the broccoli, you will lose 55 calories.

Therefore, it goes to say that the more you eat foods with "negative calories", the more chances you will lose weight since the calories needed to digest negative calorie-foods are greater than the actual calories contained in the said food. Also, it follows that foods with "negative calories" can be tagged as fat-burning foods as well.

There are approximately 100 foods that are incorporated in the Negative Calorie Diet, and some of these are:

For the fruits:

  • pineapples
  • lemon
  • apples
  • oranges
  • mango
  • grapefruit

For the vegetables:

  • cabbage
  • cucumber
  • spinach
  • lettuce
  • asparagus
  • cauliflower
  • turnip

The Negative Calorie Diet seems to be uniquely fun to try since one gets to eat delicious fruits and vegetables and even in possibly big servings as well. What's more distinctively exciting to do while on a diet, but to eat and eat and eat and at the same burn calories? Sounds unbelievable but Diet Fads has more to say about this amazing diet.

Sturat is very interested in writing articles on diet fads To read more about Negative Calorie Diet please visit

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Recommended Program
Fat Loss Nutrition System
Eating The Right Foods At The Right Times
To Have All-Day Energy, Enhance Your Health
and Build The Hot Beach Body.

Negative Calorie Foods - What Are They and Do They Really Exist?
By Shane Dayton Platinum Quality Author

Negative calories foods are not foods that don't have calories-they're foods that cause the body to burn more calories than ingested to process it. For example, if a slice of carrot had 10 calories, but took 12 to burn, that food would have -2 calorie effect on your body.

The idea with negative calorie foods, which are always certain types of fruits and veggies and are usually very high in fiber, and have a low number of calories to begin with. The theory with negative calorie foods is that the energy (calories) the body burns in order to process the nutrients of these foods is more than the number of calories that are actually in the food.

If true, this makes these foods excellent choices for a diet, since they keep you full, but don't add any calories whatsoever.

So once again, I repeat this because it's important: no foods have negative calories. The lowest you can get is zero, which is basically water. But ice water requires the body to work to warm it up for use, meaning although the calorie amounts burned are paltry (an estimated 50 calories for the recommended 8 glasses of ice water a day), that still creates a negative calorie effect since your body burned 50 calories to process ice water, which gave back 0 calories.

This is what is meant by "negative calorie foods." A more accurate description might be "Foods low in calories that produce a negative calorie effect because of how much energy it takes to burn them," but that doesn't sound nearly as snazzy or sexy as "negative calorie foods," which gets the same idea across.

There is a heated debate, but the evidence seems to indicate that yes, there are foods that create a negative calorie effect. For people who automatically yell, "That's impossible!" without looking at the facts, well consider this very well known piece of survival knowledge: if you eat nothing but wild hares and wild rabbits for a large amount of time, you will starve to death. There aren't enough calories or nutrients because of the rabbits' diet, and the body takes too much energy to break down the protein that isn't giving anything back.

If you really liked this information and would like to know more, including full lists of negative calorie foods, then please visit my website at: for more information, and how these can be a great part of a healthy diet.

Negative Calorie Weight Loss Self Help Program

The negative calorie weight loss program is referred to a small group of foods which contain so little energy that the body uses more energy to digest and absorb the nutrients. By using those foods recommended in the program, there would be a net loss of calories from the body triggering weight loss.

Recommended Program
Fat Loss Nutrition System
Eating The Right Foods At The Right Times
To Have All-Day Energy, Enhance Your Health
and Build The Hot Beach Body.

The Negative Calorie Diet Plan Weight Loss Solution

By Ken Black Platinum Quality Author

There are some people out there who never have to worry about their weight. They can eat whatever they want, and whenever they want. So where does that leave the rest of the world? Sadly, the answer is: that leaves the rest of the world fat. But, can an interesting weight loss program, called the Negative Calorie Diet Plan, help you lose weight?

We all want to eat what we want to eat. People naturally go for the types of food that their bodies tell them it needs when in reality, it does not. Your body doesn’t always know what's best for itself. If it has become accustomed to a certain type of eating or a certain amount of eating, it will continue to require that same amount or type of food.

What would you say if someone told you that you could burn calories by eating? Of course, it sounds a bit silly to say that eating can burn calories, but it is true! Everything you do in your everyday life burns calories, from sleeping to reading to eating - it all helps to burn off some of the calories in the body, however few they may be.

Digesting food even requires calories, and this is the principle that this way of eating is based upon. The idea behind the plan is that eating some types of foods requires more energy spent in calories than the number of calories that particular foods would normally add to your diet.

Although the Negative Calorie Diet Plan has been the subject of much criticism, it is widely becoming a popular solution to the weight loss needs of people from all over, especially when other methods have failed. The Diet Plan is based on the principle that certain foods require more energy to digest than the number of calories the food actually takes.

So if you take in 200 calories during your midday snack, and it takes 300 calories of energy to burn off the mid day snack, you are into the negative calorie range. This helps to burn fat off the body effectively, so instead of counting that 200 calories against you, it actually helped you to burn off fat - more fat than you would have had just eating it under any other circumstances.

As with all other diets, this weight loss program works best with exercise. Exercise is not required; it is not required of any diet, but results are much quicker and are bound to be much more to your liking if you combine diet and exercise for a safe, balanced diet experience.

As with all diets, it is not guaranteed 100 percent effective for everybody, but it is a great option for many people, especially those who have tried at other things. Many people tend to do well on low calorie diets, but all these diets are is starving yourself to lose weight. The Negative Calorie Diet Plan allows you to eat what you want to eat, and as much as you need, but teaches you how to find a balance.

Ken Black is the owner of Weight Loss Discovery - if you need to lose weight, check out the details of all of the various weight loss programs right here.

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Calorie Negative Foods - Fact Or Fiction to Help You Lose Weight Fast?
By Dee Power Platinum Quality Author

Negative calorie foods is a term that is widely circulated in the world of weight loss and body building, but what does it mean for a type of food to have negative calories, how does that work, and despite all the hype, are negative calorie foods for real? Will they help you lose weight fast?

Negative calorie foods are foods that require your body to burn more calories for their digestion than the digested product will give back to your body in terms of energy. That means that not only will said type of food not provide you any calories, it will make your body burn some as well. Even though it sounds too good to be true, there are certain foods that will do just that, you just have to know how to use them.

Most of these foods should be eaten raw in order for them to have a maximum effect. After all, by cooking them you make it easier for the body to digest them in most cases, and as such, you're cheating yourself. The negative calorie foods belong to the fruit and vegetables food categories, and some examples of negative calorie foods are as follows: cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, celery, lettuce, radish, cucumber, lemon/lime, grapefruit and others.

Negative calorie foods are most effective when used on their own, or in combination with each other but certainly not in combination with calorie-rich foods, something that would render the use of negative calorie foods useless. In other words don't put cheese sauce on your broccoli or dip your celery sticks in peanut butter. Combine raw shredded cabbage, lettuce, cucumber, celery, and radishes for a crunchy salad for lunch. Add raw cauliflower and broccoli spears to your dinner. Have an entire grapefruit with your breakfast.

Negative calorie foods are not miracle foods that will make you lose weight in no time without any effort on your part. Rather, they can help you in your efforts to lose weight, complementing the effects of a balanced, low fat diet and exercise program. While these foods will not spare you the effort it usually takes to achieve positive results in weight-loss, they will help you get there faster.

Try consuming two servings of a negative calorie food with every meal. You'll get more vitamins, fiber, and burn more calories. One of the best negative calorie foods isn't really a food at all. It's ice water. Yes, an 8 ounce glass of ice water requires your body to burn up 25 calories in order to raise its temperature back to normal after consuming the water.

Lose weight fast by adding negative calorie foods to your diet.

Free weight loss tips Dee Power is the author of several nonfiction books and Dee's delicious dinner recipes

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Negative Calorie Foods - The Pros And The Cons
By Arindam Chattopadhyaya Platinum Quality Author

Negative calorie foods are highly recommended for weight-loss programs and this concept is nevertheless becoming more popular these days.

There are particular types of foods, which require more calories to burn than what they actually have. A particular diet, for example, could have 100 calories but it will require 200 calories to digest the food. Therefore, if you include these types of foods in your diet, deposited fat gets burn instead of adding up more extra calories.

Negative calorie foods

Nothing is more attractive to dieters than 0-calorie foods because these types of diet contradict the usual result of excessive food intake. Apples, spinach, lemon, papaya, broccoli, carrot, cauliflower, cabbage, asparagus and celery have this quality and hence often recommended by dietitian. There are more than a hundred of those foods in all.

There is a need to know the advantages and disadvantages of negative calorie diets.


These types of diets are excellent for quick fat loss calories are taken from reserves to burn the foods.


Taking negative calorie diet for long may not be good for your health because exclusivity to zero calorie foods can lead to starvation. Fat and proteins are also essential to body functions. These foods do not contain fats and proteins, even in fewer amounts.

Thus, muscles will deteriorate as well as overall body maintenance. This is due to lack of protein. Lack of minimal fats will lead to lack of energy.

Everything has its pros and cons. Eating fatty and protein-rich foods at times can be good. Negative calorie foods should be taken wisely and strategically.

Are you confused between negative calorie diet and low GI diet? Read our review on low GI diet.
If you are interested to know why junk food is so harmful for your health, read top secret fat loss secret review by Dr. Suzanne. Author, Rita is Dietician and Fitness consultant.

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List Of Negative Calorie Foods
By Gasen Redeye

You will find a list of negative calorie foods below, but first let's consider what this means. There is no such thing as a negative calorie - a calorie is a unit of heat and it cannot be negative. So when people talk about negative calorie foods, this just means a food whose calorie level is low enough that it takes more energy to eat and digest it than the food contains.

For example, if you consider water to be a food, then cold water is certainly a negative calorie food. It contains no calories at all and the body has to expend energy to bring it up to blood temperature. So every time we drink a glass of cold water we burn up a couple of calories and lose a little weight. But there are very few foods like this. Most foods that are on the list do not really use more calories than they add, or if they do the effect is negligible ... until you remember that at the same time the body expends energy just to keep alive and breathing. Celery for example does not give us enough calories to cover both the energy that it takes to digest it, plus the energy that we expend even when we are doing nothing. So that is why people call it a negative calorie food.

Negative calorie foods are most attractive to anorexics. A negative calorie diet would obviously result in starvation in the long term and nutritional deficiencies can occur surprisingly quickly. The calories burnt usually come from muscle mass, and the result is debility and wasting.

A more healthy way to use a negative calorie diet is as a form of fasting or detox. It is something you can do for one to three days right after the Christmas season or another time when you have been eating a over-rich diet. Provided you are otherwise healthy it can be a great way to clean out the system. However it is still best to take medical advice before attempting this.

If you decide to use a negative calorie detox, keep the following points in mind:

1. It is never a good idea to eat huge quantities of one type of food, especially fruits. A lot of foods contain substances that can be damaging if consumed to excess. For example, the acid in grapefruit and pineapple can damage your stomach lining. Other foods put an excessive burden on the liver or may cause diarrhea. So try to use all the different foods in small quantities.

2. Do not spend all day eating. You will just become bloated and feel sick. If you are only doing this for a couple days, you should not feel too hungry. Plan four or five salad meals each day, and let your digestion rest at other times.

3. You will feel more satisfied if you eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly. You will also use more calories that way. So if the foods can be eaten raw, that will be more effective than cooking them. Foods like carrots and beets will also be more satisfying if you eat them grated.

4. Schedule time when you do not have any important commitments. As with fasting or any kind of detox, you may suffer some uncomfortable symptoms including headaches, tiredness, depression and irritability. If these become severe, stop the diet and see a doctor.

5. When you end the detox, plan a gradual return to normal eating.

If all the above points are checked and passed, let's move on to the list of foods.

* Apples

* Asparagus

* Beets

* Blueberries

* Broccoli

* Cantaloupes

* Carrot

* Cauliflower

* Celery stalk

* Celery root

* Cranberries

* Cucumbers

* Eggplant

* Endives

* Garden cress

* Garlic

* Grapefruit

* Green beans

* Green cabbage

* Lamb's lettuce

* Lemons

* Lettuce

* Onions

* Papayas

* Pineapples

* Prunes

* Radishes

* Raspberries

* Spinach

* Strawberries

* Tangerines

* Tomatoes

* Turnips

* Zucchini

Please use the above list of negative calorie foods wisely.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Negative Calorie Weight Loss Self Help Program

The negative calorie weight loss program is referred to a small group of foods which contain so little energy that the body uses more energy to digest and absorb the nutrients. By using those foods recommended in the program, there would be a net loss of calories from the body triggering weight loss.

Recommended Program
Fat Loss Nutrition System
Eating The Right Foods At The Right Times
To Have All-Day Energy, Enhance Your Health
and Build The Hot Beach Body.

What Are Negative Calorie Foods? - Myths, Lies, and Truth
By John Davenport Platinum Quality Author

Negative Calorie Foods are a widely discussed and disputed subject in the weight loss industry, and there are a lot of myths, half truths, and misinformation which surrounds this concept. In this article, I'll tell it exactly like it is.

What are negative calorie foods?

These are food items which supposedly create a calorie deficit when you eat them because the body uses more calories to digest them than the calories they contain. This is the place to dispel the first common myth: no food contains a negative amount of calories. The concept of negative caloric foods revolves around the theory that the body uses more energy to digest the food than the energy the food contains.

Myth #2

These foods do not increase your metabolism to any length of time, they just create a temporary calorie deficit. This means that if you're looking to speed up your metabolism, it is best to concentrate on overall healthy eating habits, regular exercise, and a stable lifestyle. Eating negative calorie foods each day will cause your body to burn more calories, but this will not last the second you stop eating those foods.

Myth #3 - You can base your entire diet on these foods.

Most calorie negative foods are fruit or vegetables. It is not recommended to base your diet entirely on negative calorie foods since they fail to provide the body with all the nutrients it needs: especially protein. Overall, it is best to limit your daily fruit intake to 3 pieces, and your vegetable intake to 5 items.

If you do eat a lot of negative caloric foods, be sure to supplement them with a good dose of protein from eggs, fish, dairy, and meat.

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days and keep it off, visit this webpage:
Fat Loss For Idiots Review.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: Lose Weight Fast and Easy.

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Eating The Right Foods At The Right Times
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Negative Calories Diet - Is It Possible To Have Foods That Burn Calories
By Mike Singh Platinum Quality Author

Negative calorie foods are foods that use more calories in the digestion process than are actually in the foods themselves. This results in the body burning more calories than you take in when you eat, which of course is essential for weight loss.

The body has to work harder to get the calories form the food and this gives them an excellent fat-burning advantage over many other types of food that you regularly eat.

In fact the more of these foods you eat, the more weight you will lose. The secret is to fill up on as many of these foods during the day and eat a well - balanced meal for your evening meal.

Some examples of negative calorie foods are vegetables such as asparagus, beet, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, lettuce, celery, onions and cucumber.

There are also fruits that contain negative calories such as apples, oranges, pineapple, cranberries, grapefruit, lemons, and tangerines. If you do not like these vegetables and fruits why not try them in combination with a healthy food that you do like or try them in a juice.

Using these foods as snacks throughout the day and as alternatives to desserts high in calories, you can eat the foods you enjoy at your regular meals and still maintain your normal weight. Eating more of these foods to supplement your weight loss diet and your fitness workout, will help you achieve the weight loss you desire.

Check out for articles on eliptical trainer reviews and discount rowing machines.

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Eating The Right Foods At The Right Times
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What is a Negative Calorie Diet and How Can I Use it to Lose Weight?
By Michael J. Collins Platinum Quality Author

A hot topic recently is the concept of eating negative calorie foods to lose weight. This quick article will tell you what they are, and how you can use them to lose weight and gain energy.

"Negative calorie" as written about here, is a term used for foods that take more energy to digest and process than they provide the body.

Lets take a big bowl of fibrous vegetables for example. Let's throw some spinach or romaine lettuce in a big bowl with some tomatoes, peppers, cucumber, sprouts, and some slices of fresh mushroom.

The calories contained in this bowl of vegetables may be around 150.

Since most of the contents have thick, fibrous bodies to break down and digest, your body will need a lot of energy to do the work. The energy (fuel) for the work of breaking down and digesting is the calories already stored in your body.

Eating the vegetables starts the process- chewing needs energy, swallowing needs energy, the processes of the stomach need energy. Lets say the sum total of the demand on the body is 250 calories.

This leaves you with negative 100 calories. Now, you have 100 calories less, stored in your body.

Can you see how this would help with weight loss?

We always recommend getting as many fibrous vegetables in your diet as possible. Not only do they provide negative calories, but they make you feel full, resulting in less total calories eaten. They contain boatloads of nutrients (a pat of butter or a spoonful of olive oil actual help absorb these nutrients).

Of course, you can never count out the cancer protective properties!

To help you along we created a list of 75 foods that keep you in the "fat burning zone" that you can download and print out for free when you visit If you'd like a complete program for fast weight loss, you can purchase our Black Book of Secrets- 61 Fast Fat Loss Tips, Tricks and Techniques.

Michael Collins- Helping Ordinary People Sculpt Extraordinary Bodies

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Negative Calorie Foods - Aiding Weight Loss and Increasing Metabolism
By Ken Wilssens Platinum Quality Author

While all foods contain at least some calories, there are some that are classified as negative calorie foods due to their overall affect on the body. This simply means that these particular foods use more caloric energy to eat and digest than they actually contain to begin with. The calories from these types of foods are more difficult to breakdown and process, making the body work harder to digest them, thus burning more than the food’s original caloric content.

If we gain weight when we take in more calories than we expend, it only stands to reason that if we take in less calories than we burn, we will then lose weight. Roughly ten percent of our total daily caloric intake is actually used to process and digest the foods that we’ve eaten. If we decrease the calories we ingest, add more negative calorie foods to our diets while increasing our level of physical activity, the result is healthy weight loss and an elevated metabolism.

A perfect example is a piece of cake that contains roughly 400 calories, but that also uses up 150 of those calories to eat and digest it. This then leaves a net gain of 250 calories, which of course turn into fat. Now, if instead you decided to eat a salad that contained 250 calories, but uses 400 calories to completely digest, you will have actually burned 150 calories simply by eating the salad. If you ate a piece of fruit that contained 100 calories but used up 200 calories worth during the digestion process, you will have burned an extra 100 calories just by eating the fruit.

The more negative calories that you can incorporate into your diet while maintaining a regular exercise program, the more fat you will ultimately burn. Negative calorie foods should always be prepared fresh and naturally without any added ingredients such as butter or salt, which would only counteract the food’s negative caloric affects. Negative calorie foods generally have a high fiber content, which is essential for dieters as it allows the body to feel fuller longer. Fiber also causes the body to work harder to process and breakdown the foods we’ve eaten.

Although water isn’t considered a food, ice cubes can be used as a negative calorie source. Water contains no calories at all, but the body must put forth energy to consume the ice, and also to compensate for the decrease in body temperature. Many dieters use frozen sugar-free juice cubes as healthy treats that also require the expenditure of more calories than they actually contain.

When following a diet rich with negative calorie foods, it’s important to remember that these foods are comprised mostly of water and fiber, and while they are healthy, they also lack key nutrients, proteins, and certain vitamins and minerals that the body needs to thrive.

Some vegetables that are considered to be negative calorie foods are:








Chili peppers












Some fruits that are considered to be negative calorie foods are:







Honey dew melons












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Negative Calorie Weight Loss Self Help Program

The negative calorie weight loss program is referred to a small group of foods which contain so little energy that the body uses more energy to digest and absorb the nutrients. By using those foods recommended in the program, there would be a net loss of calories from the body triggering weight loss.

Recommended Program
Fat Loss Nutrition System
Eating The Right Foods At The Right Times
To Have All-Day Energy, Enhance Your Health
and Build The Hot Beach Body.

A Quick Negative Calorie Food Inventory - Choosing the Right Food to Help You Lose Weight
By Faviano Torres

Let's keep this straight. The term "negative calories" apply to the types of foods that have very little calorie content that they use up more body energy to be processed than what they can actually lend to the body. In the end, they create energy deficiency. This suggests that they can potentially lead to a net loss of body energy which is very helpful in fat loss. Well at least that's the theory.

There are some controversies as to the veracity of this theory within the scientific and medical communities. Some experts refute the presence of such foods while others agree that it is possible for some food to make the body expend more energy for the digestion and absorption of their nutrients than what they can provide in total. However, for the most parts, the theory is plausible.

Here's why. Foods that can make the digestive system work harder can expend more energy from the body. One good example is the celery. There are about 19 calories in one cup of diced celery. It contains zero percent fat, zero percent cholesterol and one percent carbohydrate. And the body burns more than 19 calories to burn a cup of celery.

There are other foods, which are mostly fruits and vegetables, that are labeled as "negative calories" foods. Fruits that are known to have very good negative calorie properties are blackberry, guava, lemon, raspberry, and melon cantaloupe. Other selections are apricot, clementines, watermelon, plums, tangerine, peaches, mandarin orange, strawberry, honeydew melon, damsons, grapefruit, and blackcurrant. Vegetables that have very very low calorie contents are cabbage, aubergine, cress, celery, tomato, lettuce, fennel, marrow, gourd, radish, cucumber, and chicory. Other excellent choices are broccoli, carrots, asparagus, spinach, turnip, leeks, pepper, and cauliflowers.

The crux of this theory is to lose weight while eating certain foods. It definitely advocates people to choose not only the healthy and weight loss-friendly foods but also those that can make your digestive system work overtime.

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Negative Calorie Diets and Weight Loss Programs
By Andrew Maule

We sometimes wonder what some of the secrets are to losing weight that the celebrities and athletes use in order to lose those pounds. By looking in to things like weight loss program reviews you can find a few of these or at least the programs that contain them. These secrets can give you the same results that the stars get if you put some hard work into it.

One of the least known secrets that are one of the best tactics in losing weight is the negative calorie effect. This effect comes from eating certain foods that require more energy to actually eat them then they provide you. Essentially by simply eating the food you can potentially lose weight. Your body has a lot to do in order to process its food such as the digestion process and continuing its normal functions like your lungs letting you breathe, your heart pumping your blood, and your brain and muscles moving your body. All of this requires energy, and if this energy is more than the energy from the food like said before, you burn calories.

Unfortunately if you are not on a healthy diet and working out properly it will eat away at your muscles before your fat. This is just another important reason as to why you should be careful with the diet you chose and you should look into weight loss program reviews. The wrong diet plans could actually end up making your weight worse if it tries to use this method in the wrong way.

Weight loss program reviews allow you to find some great diets that utilize the negative calorie effect and do so in the proper manner that will not hurt your body as well as some other specific techniques. Be smart about the diet you chose as it will be something you will need to stick with for the rest of your lifetime if you want to sustain a healthy weight.

Get weight loss program reviews at the best place online. Find unbiased and thorough reviews of all the top weight loss programs. Visit to get more information and read reviews on today's top weight loss guides.

It's easy to start losing weight once you find the appropriate weight loss program, good luck and don't waste any more time waiting!

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Fat Loss Nutrition System
Eating The Right Foods At The Right Times
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Negative Calories
By John C White Platinum Quality Author

When something is described as being negative, it is usually something to be avoided. When it has to do with negative calories, this is not the case.

But what exactly are negative calories. Well we all know that foods have calories associated with them. A medium apple has around 80 Calories. So when you eat one, you can expect 80 Calories of energy to now be in your body.

But to be useful your body must first process the apple. This starts with the first bite, followed by the secretions of saliva, swallowing, being broken down in your stomach with digestive enzymes, and being transported throughout your body to supply your cells with energy. All of these steps require your body to expend energy or calories. This total processing of the apple may burn 100 calories.

So when you subtract this number from the 80 Calories supplied by the apple, something remarkable happens. You get a negative 20 Calories. That's -20. So instead of adding calories to your body, the apple causes you to burn more calories than you consume. I'm sure you can see the implications for this when you are trying to lose weight.

How Does it Work

Certain foods are already naturally low in calories. However, in addition to the substance in the food that supplies caloric energy, these foods are also composed of substances that are processed by the body, but do not add calories to your diet. This substance is known as fiber.

Fiber is an indigestible substance whose main purpose is to provide bulk to your stool for easy elimination of waste. It also provides some essential vitamins and minerals.

By your body having to process this substance, you are able to burn extra calories. And with some foods, you are able to burn more calories than the food contains.

Negative Calorie Foods

Negative calorie foods are mainly fruits and vegetables, but not just any type. They need to be fresh to get the full effect. For instance, canned apples have their skins taken off, but this is where most of the fiber resides.

So by discarding the skin of the apple, you discard the primary source of the negative calorie effect. The same can be said of other foods in which the skin may be discarded, such as grapes and carrots.

Besides the items just mentioned, some foods that are considered to have a negative calorie effect are broccoli, cabbage, squash, and tomatoes. Some fruits are apricots, blackberries, blueberries and cantaloupes. In fact almost any food that can be eaten in it's natural form or requires little cooking may be a candidate for a negative calories.

Diet of Negative Calories

Many diets already suggest that you should consume lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. So chances are that you may already be consuming these foods and not realizing it.

If your diet plan consists mainly of processed foods, than you need to add these to your list. Besides burning more calories, they are also rich in essential nutrients.

Also keep in mind that though certain foods have a negative calorie effect, weight loss still comes down to the total amount of calories that you consume. If you eat more calories than you burn, you will continue to gain weight. Negative calorie foods are a good way to counter this.

In addition, besides the negative effect these foods have on your body, many of these food types are dense, which means that they will leave you feeling full, which will further aid in controlling how much you eat.

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Negative Calorie Weight Loss Self Help Program

The negative calorie weight loss program is referred to a small group of foods which contain so little energy that the body uses more energy to digest and absorb the nutrients. By using those foods recommended in the program, there would be a net loss of calories from the body triggering weight loss.

Recommended Program
Fat Loss Nutrition System
Eating The Right Foods At The Right Times
To Have All-Day Energy, Enhance Your Health
and Build The Hot Beach Body.

Negative Calorie Foods For Weight Loss - Free Negative Calorie Food List - 32 Tasty Foods Included
By Jennifer Jolan Platinum Quality Author

The idea is simple. Negative calorie foods burn more calories digesting them than the total calories in them. So you have a net caloric deficit... hence the name negative calorie foods. To put it simply, these foods won't release their calories while being digested.

One thing... before you go "gung-ho" on a negative calorie diet, you need to know something very important or else you will screw up everything.

That one thing... you would malnourish yourself if the only foods you ate were negative calorie foods. Don't use these foods as a basis for a diet. Use these negative calorie foods only within a more balanced diet.

Here's the negative calorie food list in alphabetical order:

  • asparagus
  • apples
  • beets
  • broccoli
  • blueberries
  • cabbage
  • cantaloupe
  • cranberries
  • celery
  • chicory
  • grapefruit
  • garden cress
  • garlic
  • green beans
  • honeydew
  • lemon
  • lime
  • lettuce
  • oranges
  • onions
  • papaya
  • peaches
  • pineapples
  • radish
  • raspberries
  • strawberries
  • spinach
  • tangerines
  • tomatoes
  • turnips
  • watermelon
  • zucchini

As you can see, that's quite the negative calorie food list. A great way to incorporate these into your life is to start by eating them as snacks. After awhile, you'll get use to them becoming a more major part of your diet.

Then you can begin to add them as side dishes for your meals. Yeah, I know it basically looks like a list of fruits and vegetables... and yes, we all know those are healthy for you. But come on, that list is sitting there right smack in front of your face. It's not hard to lose weight. Just give yourself a chance. Try these foods out and see for yourself what kind of weight loss results you can get.

At the bare minimum, the foods on the list above are packed with vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. If for nothing else, eat them because of that. So there you have it... a list of 32 negative calorie foods you can eat to drop the pounds and inches. So what are you waiting for?

Jennifer Jolan is a popular weight loss consultant and author of the best selling "Ultimate Diet Guide" ebook. She has helped over 3,700 women with her intensive 1 on 1 email coaching.

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Negative Calorie Foods & Weight Loss
By P. Mehta Platinum Quality Author

You gain weight when your calorie intake is more than your
calorie expenditure. But if this calorie equation is reversed,
then it results in "negative calorie" balance in your body. In
this negative calorie case, you expand more calories than you
take in, resulting in a decrease in the stored calories in the form
of body fat, and you experience a weight loss. About 10% of
daily caloric intake is used to process foods in the body. You can
expand more by doing physical activities.

There are certain foods that show negative calorie effect because
the body has to expand more energy to extract calories from these
foods. The negative calorie foods need more calories to break down
the foods and digest than the calories the foods actually contain.
The extra calories are taken up from the stored fat in the body. Thus
the negative calorie foods (may also be called as minus calorie foods
or fat burning foods) are ideal for reducing the body fat and for
losing weight.

Let us take an example. A piece of dessert consisting of 300 calories
may require only 150 calories to be digested by our body, resulting in
a net gain of 150 calories which is added to our body fat! So if you eat
100 calories of a food that requires 150 calories to digest, then you have
burnt an additional 50 calories simply by eating that food. These 50
calories are used up from the stored fat in your body!

These foods are widely available in nature. Some of the foods from the
list of negative calorie foods (about 100 in number) are: asparagus, broccoli,
beets, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, carrot, garlic, papaya,
spinach, turnip, zucchini, apples, oranges, lettuce, grapefruit, pineapples,
strawberries, and raspberries.

It is a great idea to eat these negative calorie food items to your full
satisfaction without counting calories. Include these foods in your daily
diet and plan your diet according to food pyramid. You will be amazed to see
the fast weight loss results. You can follow negative calorie diet plan for
safe and permanent weight loss.

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electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety
including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Copyright 2004 P. Mehta,


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For more information on negative calorie foods visit the web site
Negative calorie Foods.

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Fat Loss Nutrition System
Eating The Right Foods At The Right Times
To Have All-Day Energy, Enhance Your Health
and Build The Hot Beach Body.

How Negative Calorie Foods Work
By Ryan Edward Platinum Quality Author

Negative calorie foods sound like the perfect foods for weight loss. Now, of course, all food contains calories - so what exactly are negative calorie foods? The negative calorie effect occurs as the food is consumed and digested.

Basically, a negative calorie food is a food that requires as many or more calories to consume and digest than the food itself contains. If it takes more calories to consume the food than the food contains, the body will obtain those "extra" calories from its reserve of stored fat, thereby burning more calories.

There are several negative calorie foods. The list below provides a just a small number of these types of foods for dieters.

Grapefruit is low in sodium and has high water content. It helps to flush out excess water, and it increases the metabolism thus aiding in weight loss. It is a rich source of vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C, niacin, calcium, and iron.

Carrots contain a very low number of calories. They are an excellent source of fiber, Vitamin C, potassium, and beta-carotene.

Broccoli can be eaten raw or cooked - it tastes great either way. Fruits and vegetables are excellent foods to eat for weight loss because they are high in water content and nutrients. Broccoli is a rich source of fiber, Vitamins A and C, as well as calcium and folic acid.

Lettuce is another excellent weight-loss food because it is very low in calories. People who are dieting often eat salad, so lettuce is usually considered a dieter's food. It is high in vitamin K, folic acid, and manganese.

Oranges are sweet and tasty fruits that make an excellent substitute for sweet, high-calorie snacks. They are high in Vitamin C as well as folic acid. Oranges also contain antioxidants, which can help fight heart disease, cancer, and other health conditions.

Apples are a popular natural snack. Apples are low in fat and sodium. Like grapefruit, apples help to flush excess water out of the body. They are an excellent source of fiber, and are rich in antioxidants - this can help prevent heart disease and cancer. Eating apples can even help reduce cholesterol levels. The skin of the apple contains quite a few nutrients, so you reap more health benefits if you eat apples unpeeled.

Spinach is a green, leafy vegetable that contains many nutritious benefits. It contains powerful antioxidants, and is an excellent source of beta-carotene. It is also a good source of iron. Eat spinach raw for maximum health benefits.

Cucumbers are another negative calorie food that is naturally considered a diet food like lettuce. Cucumbers are a good source of Vitamins A and C, as well as potassium and calcium. They help to regulate blood pressure and can help keep the bowels regular too.

Cranberries are an excellent source of powerful antioxidants. They are high in Vitamin C and manganese. Cranberries can even defend against bacteria such as E. Coli. Cranberries act as a diuretic to remove excess water from the body. They are also a natural laxative and can prevent the development of bacteria that causes urinary tract infections.

Green Beans are a healthy and tasty side dish for any meal. Green beans are a rich source of protein, fiber, folic acid, and iron. In addition to be low in calories, they also contain iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and potassium. Green beans, as well as all beans in general, are a good source of antioxidants.

If you want to lose weight and eat healthy, add these and other negative-calorie foods to your diet. Replace unhealthy snacks with tasty fruits and raw vegetables. You will reap the rewards of these nutritious negative-calorie foods by losing weight and improving your health at the same time.

Ryan Edward has reviewed all of the top weight loss diet plans that are available on the Internet and shares his reviews at his website. To learn how you can begin to quickly start losing weight by following one of these top systems, please visit his website now:

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