The negative calorie weight loss program is referred to a small group of foods which contain so little energy that the body uses more energy to digest and absorb the nutrients. By using those foods recommended in the program, there would be a net loss of calories from the body triggering weight loss.
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Negative Calorie Foods For Weight Loss - Free Negative Calorie Food List - 32 Tasty Foods Included
By Jennifer Jolan
The idea is simple. Negative calorie foods burn more calories digesting them than the total calories in them. So you have a net caloric deficit... hence the name negative calorie foods. To put it simply, these foods won't release their calories while being digested.
One thing... before you go "gung-ho" on a negative calorie diet, you need to know something very important or else you will screw up everything.
That one thing... you would malnourish yourself if the only foods you ate were negative calorie foods. Don't use these foods as a basis for a diet. Use these negative calorie foods only within a more balanced diet.
Here's the negative calorie food list in alphabetical order:
- asparagus
- apples
- beets
- broccoli
- blueberries
- cabbage
- cantaloupe
- cranberries
- celery
- chicory
- grapefruit
- garden cress
- garlic
- green beans
- honeydew
- lemon
- lime
- lettuce
- oranges
- onions
- papaya
- peaches
- pineapples
- radish
- raspberries
- strawberries
- spinach
- tangerines
- tomatoes
- turnips
- watermelon
- zucchini
As you can see, that's quite the negative calorie food list. A great way to incorporate these into your life is to start by eating them as snacks. After awhile, you'll get use to them becoming a more major part of your diet.
Then you can begin to add them as side dishes for your meals. Yeah, I know it basically looks like a list of fruits and vegetables... and yes, we all know those are healthy for you. But come on, that list is sitting there right smack in front of your face. It's not hard to lose weight. Just give yourself a chance. Try these foods out and see for yourself what kind of weight loss results you can get.
At the bare minimum, the foods on the list above are packed with vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. If for nothing else, eat them because of that. So there you have it... a list of 32 negative calorie foods you can eat to drop the pounds and inches. So what are you waiting for?
Jennifer Jolan is a popular weight loss consultant and author of the best selling "Ultimate Diet Guide" ebook. She has helped over 3,700 women with her intensive 1 on 1 email coaching.
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By P. Mehta
You gain weight when your calorie intake is more than your
calorie expenditure. But if this calorie equation is reversed,
then it results in "negative calorie" balance in your body. In
this negative calorie case, you expand more calories than you
take in, resulting in a decrease in the stored calories in the form
of body fat, and you experience a weight loss. About 10% of
daily caloric intake is used to process foods in the body. You can
expand more by doing physical activities.
There are certain foods that show negative calorie effect because
the body has to expand more energy to extract calories from these
foods. The negative calorie foods need more calories to break down
the foods and digest than the calories the foods actually contain.
The extra calories are taken up from the stored fat in the body. Thus
the negative calorie foods (may also be called as minus calorie foods
or fat burning foods) are ideal for reducing the body fat and for
losing weight.
Let us take an example. A piece of dessert consisting of 300 calories
may require only 150 calories to be digested by our body, resulting in
a net gain of 150 calories which is added to our body fat! So if you eat
100 calories of a food that requires 150 calories to digest, then you have
burnt an additional 50 calories simply by eating that food. These 50
calories are used up from the stored fat in your body!
These foods are widely available in nature. Some of the foods from the
list of negative calorie foods (about 100 in number) are: asparagus, broccoli,
beets, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, carrot, garlic, papaya,
spinach, turnip, zucchini, apples, oranges, lettuce, grapefruit, pineapples,
strawberries, and raspberries.
It is a great idea to eat these negative calorie food items to your full
satisfaction without counting calories. Include these foods in your daily
diet and plan your diet according to food pyramid. You will be amazed to see
the fast weight loss results. You can follow negative calorie diet plan for
safe and permanent weight loss.
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Copyright 2004 P. Mehta,
This article has been written by
For more information on negative calorie foods visit the web site
Negative calorie Foods.
Recommended Program
Fat Loss Nutrition System
Eating The Right Foods At The Right Times
To Have All-Day Energy, Enhance Your Health
and Build The Hot Beach Body.
How Negative Calorie Foods Work
By Ryan Edward
Negative calorie foods sound like the perfect foods for weight loss. Now, of course, all food contains calories - so what exactly are negative calorie foods? The negative calorie effect occurs as the food is consumed and digested.
Basically, a negative calorie food is a food that requires as many or more calories to consume and digest than the food itself contains. If it takes more calories to consume the food than the food contains, the body will obtain those "extra" calories from its reserve of stored fat, thereby burning more calories.
There are several negative calorie foods. The list below provides a just a small number of these types of foods for dieters.
Grapefruit is low in sodium and has high water content. It helps to flush out excess water, and it increases the metabolism thus aiding in weight loss. It is a rich source of vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C, niacin, calcium, and iron.
Carrots contain a very low number of calories. They are an excellent source of fiber, Vitamin C, potassium, and beta-carotene.
Broccoli can be eaten raw or cooked - it tastes great either way. Fruits and vegetables are excellent foods to eat for weight loss because they are high in water content and nutrients. Broccoli is a rich source of fiber, Vitamins A and C, as well as calcium and folic acid.
Lettuce is another excellent weight-loss food because it is very low in calories. People who are dieting often eat salad, so lettuce is usually considered a dieter's food. It is high in vitamin K, folic acid, and manganese.
Oranges are sweet and tasty fruits that make an excellent substitute for sweet, high-calorie snacks. They are high in Vitamin C as well as folic acid. Oranges also contain antioxidants, which can help fight heart disease, cancer, and other health conditions.
Apples are a popular natural snack. Apples are low in fat and sodium. Like grapefruit, apples help to flush excess water out of the body. They are an excellent source of fiber, and are rich in antioxidants - this can help prevent heart disease and cancer. Eating apples can even help reduce cholesterol levels. The skin of the apple contains quite a few nutrients, so you reap more health benefits if you eat apples unpeeled.
Spinach is a green, leafy vegetable that contains many nutritious benefits. It contains powerful antioxidants, and is an excellent source of beta-carotene. It is also a good source of iron. Eat spinach raw for maximum health benefits.
Cucumbers are another negative calorie food that is naturally considered a diet food like lettuce. Cucumbers are a good source of Vitamins A and C, as well as potassium and calcium. They help to regulate blood pressure and can help keep the bowels regular too.
Cranberries are an excellent source of powerful antioxidants. They are high in Vitamin C and manganese. Cranberries can even defend against bacteria such as E. Coli. Cranberries act as a diuretic to remove excess water from the body. They are also a natural laxative and can prevent the development of bacteria that causes urinary tract infections.
Green Beans are a healthy and tasty side dish for any meal. Green beans are a rich source of protein, fiber, folic acid, and iron. In addition to be low in calories, they also contain iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and potassium. Green beans, as well as all beans in general, are a good source of antioxidants.
If you want to lose weight and eat healthy, add these and other negative-calorie foods to your diet. Replace unhealthy snacks with tasty fruits and raw vegetables. You will reap the rewards of these nutritious negative-calorie foods by losing weight and improving your health at the same time.
Ryan Edward has reviewed all of the top weight loss diet plans that are available on the Internet and shares his reviews at his website. To learn how you can begin to quickly start losing weight by following one of these top systems, please visit his website now:
Nice article. I try to get my clients to eat more of these foods all the time.