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Negative Calorie Foods for Weight Loss Diet
By P. Mehta
All foods have some calorie content. Then how a food can possess negative calorie? The negative calorie foods need more calories to digest than the number of calories they give to the body. We can understand this by the following example.
Let us suppose a food has x calories. If it requires y calories to digest, then the number of calories this food gives to the body =x-y. We consider three situations depending on the values of x and y.
(a) If x is more than y, the body gains in weight. This is the situation in which the number of calories of the food is more than the number of calories needed to digest that food. Fatty foods are the examples of such foods. The fat very easily goes to the waistline.
(b) The foods with x=y require the same amount of calories to digest as their own calorie content. Such foods do not add any calories to the body and may be called as zero calorie foods. Watermelon is an example of zero calorie food.
(c) If for some foods, y is more than x, then the result of this calorie equation becomes negative. In nature there are certain foods possessing this negative calorie property that take extra calories from the body fat to get ingested. Because these foods take additional calories from the body fat, they are known as negative calorie foods.
The question arises, do such foods are really available in nature? There are some studies in support of negative calorie foods. Celery is known to require more calories for digestion than the calorie content of itself, so it is a negative calorie food. These foods are natural plant foods like vegetables, fruits and beans.
Vegetables and fruits like asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, celery, cucumber, carrot, spinach, turnip, zucchini, apples, oranges, lettuce, grapefruit and strawberries are some of the examples of negative calorie foods. One thing is common in these foods. All of these foods are low in fat and calories and high in carbohydrates. Absence of fat ensures that these foods if included in your diet, will not increase your weight. Breaking of carbohydrates in the digestion process will consume considerable number of calories.
Looking to the negative calorie property of these foods, it can be thought that
if these foods are included in diet, they can be of immense value for weight loss.
A healthy weight loss diet plan should therefore include vegetables, fruits, whole-grains and beans. If you include as much negative calorie foods as possible in the your diet, then there is no need to count calories. The weight loss diet based on negative calorie foods can give you the carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and dietary fibers necessary to keep you fit. You will see amazing weight loss results if you routinely add negative calorie foods to your diet.
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For more information on negative calorie foods, negative calorie recipes and diets with negative calorie foods, visit the web site: Negative calorie foods weight loss diet
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The Negative Calorie Diet - A Positive Change in the Way We Could Lose Weight
By Sturat Mitchel
Isn't the proclamation, "The more you eat, the more you lose weight" seems too good to be true?
Well, for most, all those that are true are really too good to be a lie.
The Negative Calorie Diet is based on the theory that certain foods that are considered as having "negative calories". No, these are not foods that contain absolutely no calories at all since there is no such thing (and only water has zero calories). Foods that have "negative calories" are those that require more calories to be digested by the body than the number of calories they actually contain.
Here's how the idea will be demonstrated: Food X has 50 calories. If a person will eat Food X, he/she will be putting in 50 calories in his/her body. Now, after eating Food X which has 50 calories, the body will digest Food X by using 100 calories to completely breakdown Food X into the body's system.
For a more specific explanation: If you will eat 100 grams of broccoli that has a total of 25 calories and the body will be using 80 calories to digest the broccoli, you will lose 55 calories.
Therefore, it goes to say that the more you eat foods with "negative calories", the more chances you will lose weight since the calories needed to digest negative calorie-foods are greater than the actual calories contained in the said food. Also, it follows that foods with "negative calories" can be tagged as fat-burning foods as well.
There are approximately 100 foods that are incorporated in the Negative Calorie Diet, and some of these are:
For the fruits:
- pineapples
- lemon
- apples
- oranges
- mango
- grapefruit
For the vegetables:
- cabbage
- cucumber
- spinach
- lettuce
- asparagus
- cauliflower
- turnip
The Negative Calorie Diet seems to be uniquely fun to try since one gets to eat delicious fruits and vegetables and even in possibly big servings as well. What's more distinctively exciting to do while on a diet, but to eat and eat and eat and at the same burn calories? Sounds unbelievable but Diet Fads has more to say about this amazing diet.
Sturat is very interested in writing articles on diet fads To read more about Negative Calorie Diet please visit
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Recommended ProgramFat Loss Nutrition System
Eating The Right Foods At The Right Times
To Have All-Day Energy, Enhance Your Health
and Build The Hot Beach Body.
Negative Calorie Foods - What Are They and Do They Really Exist?
By Shane Dayton
Negative calories foods are not foods that don't have calories-they're foods that cause the body to burn more calories than ingested to process it. For example, if a slice of carrot had 10 calories, but took 12 to burn, that food would have -2 calorie effect on your body.
The idea with negative calorie foods, which are always certain types of fruits and veggies and are usually very high in fiber, and have a low number of calories to begin with. The theory with negative calorie foods is that the energy (calories) the body burns in order to process the nutrients of these foods is more than the number of calories that are actually in the food.
If true, this makes these foods excellent choices for a diet, since they keep you full, but don't add any calories whatsoever.
So once again, I repeat this because it's important: no foods have negative calories. The lowest you can get is zero, which is basically water. But ice water requires the body to work to warm it up for use, meaning although the calorie amounts burned are paltry (an estimated 50 calories for the recommended 8 glasses of ice water a day), that still creates a negative calorie effect since your body burned 50 calories to process ice water, which gave back 0 calories.
This is what is meant by "negative calorie foods." A more accurate description might be "Foods low in calories that produce a negative calorie effect because of how much energy it takes to burn them," but that doesn't sound nearly as snazzy or sexy as "negative calorie foods," which gets the same idea across.
There is a heated debate, but the evidence seems to indicate that yes, there are foods that create a negative calorie effect. For people who automatically yell, "That's impossible!" without looking at the facts, well consider this very well known piece of survival knowledge: if you eat nothing but wild hares and wild rabbits for a large amount of time, you will starve to death. There aren't enough calories or nutrients because of the rabbits' diet, and the body takes too much energy to break down the protein that isn't giving anything back.
If you really liked this information and would like to know more, including full lists of negative calorie foods, then please visit my website at: for more information, and how these can be a great part of a healthy diet.
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