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Fat Loss Nutrition System
Eating The Right Foods At The Right Times
To Have All-Day Energy, Enhance Your Health
and Build The Hot Beach Body.
Negative Calorie Foods for Weight Loss Diet
All foods have some calorie content. Then how a food can possess negative calorie? The negative calorie foods need more calories to digest than the number of calories they give to the body. We can understand this by the following example.
Let us suppose a food has x calories. If it requires y calories to digest, then the number of calories this food gives to the body =x-y. We consider three situations depending on the values of x and y.
(a) If x is more than y, the body gains in weight. This is the situation in which the number of calories of the food is more than the number of calories needed to digest that food. Fatty foods are the examples of such foods. The fat very easily goes to the waistline.
(b) The foods with x=y require the same amount of calories to digest as their own calorie content. Such foods do not add any calories to the body and may be called as zero calorie foods. Watermelon is an example of zero calorie food.
(c) If for some foods, y is more than x, then the result of this calorie equation becomes negative. In nature there are certain foods possessing this negative calorie property that take extra calories from the body fat to get ingested. Because these foods take additional calories from the body fat, they are known as negative calorie foods.
The question arises, do such foods are really available in nature? There are some studies in support of negative calorie foods. Celery is known to require more calories for digestion than the calorie content of itself, so it is a negative calorie food. These foods are natural plant foods like vegetables, fruits and beans.
Vegetables and fruits like asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, celery, cucumber, carrot, spinach, turnip, zucchini, apples, oranges, lettuce, grapefruit and strawberries are some of the examples of negative calorie foods. One thing is common in these foods. All of these foods are low in fat and calories and high in carbohydrates. Absence of fat ensures that these foods if included in your diet, will not increase your weight. Breaking of carbohydrates in the digestion process will consume considerable number of calories.
Looking to the negative calorie property of these foods, it can be thought that
if these foods are included in diet, they can be of immense value for weight loss.
A healthy weight loss diet plan should therefore include vegetables, fruits, whole-grains and beans. If you include as much negative calorie foods as possible in the your diet, then there is no need to count calories. The weight loss diet based on negative calorie foods can give you the carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and dietary fibers necessary to keep you fit. You will see amazing weight loss results if you routinely add negative calorie foods to your diet.
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Copyright 2006,
For more information on negative calorie foods, negative calorie recipes and diets with negative calorie foods, visit the web site: Negative calorie foods weight loss diet
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Recommended Reading
Fat Loss Nutrition System
Eating The Right Foods At The Right Times
To Have All-Day Energy, Enhance Your Health
and Build The Hot Beach Body.
A lot of people are worried about their weight. Unfortunately, while the weight did not just appear in a single day, people still want it to come off quickly. That can lead to diets that are unhealthy overall, as well as a lot of companies taking advantage of desperate people and offering them weight loss programs that hardly work. Having the right weight loss system is the beginning of a successful weight loss campaign. Anyone can do it if they set their mind to it.
See your doctor and make an appointment for thorough check up. Learning your health capabilities and limitations will help you determine what your body can handle. There are some people who work out so hard that they are really demoralized when they notice no real change. This is because you might genetically tuned to gain weight. Information specific to you will help you to choose what system you're going to follow.
Choose a weight loss system that goes hand in hand with the amount of money you earn, as well as your lifestyle. Your lifestyle is a good way of deciding what you're going to incorporate into your system. When you're used to driving to work, it won't help trying to walk because that can greatly affect your performance at work. A gym work out or jogging is what would work for you. If you can't afford a gym, then there would be no use signing up and then stopping early because you can't afford it anymore. Be as realistic as possible.
Avoid weight loss pills and concentrates. These substances may be prescribed but they don't necessarily work as advertised. In most cases they have dangerous side effects like anorexia or even triggering added weight gain. So be wary of them. If you are taking them, try to stop or at least limit what you use.
There is no weight loss program that really works if you don't exercise. When you exercise the fats in your body are replaced by muscle tissue. The body heat that is released when you're sweating is also good for burning body fats. It's important to have an exercise program that you can handle. Doing too much too soon can be discouraging. Build up your tolerance to avoid muscle strains.
Find a relative, friend or fitness coach whom you can work with when you're exercising. The peer pressure that such a person can exert is better than any commercially unrealistic weight loss program. When you begin feeling tired and want to give up, you won't be able to because of your commitment to your workout partner.
Have a healthy diet to go with your exercise. Be sure to eat vegetables, proteins, and small quantities of carbohydrates because your body still needs these regardless of whether or not you're dieting. Drink a lot of water as well because without it your body cannot metabolize and burn fats in the weight loss process. Negative calorie foods are also healthy. These are actually fruits and vegetables that promote the burning of fats.
Fat loss can definitely be achieved if you put in a little effort. Just focus on your weight loss system and you'll be fine. Remember you didn't gain the weight in a day and taking it off will also require a bit of time. You and your health are worth the effort.
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Recommended ReadingFat Loss Nutrition System
Eating The Right Foods At The Right Times
To Have All-Day Energy, Enhance Your Health
and Build The Hot Beach Body.